Time To Move On

We are moving!

Since my return from the UK we have been decorating and packing ready to move, it`s only 5 miles down the road but it is a house, with a back yard and lots more space than the apartment we currently live in.

Whilst I was away Buddy and his dad spent a lot of time at the old house as it is his mom`s old house and lots of sorting was needed, it is frightening the amount of stuff collected in 40 years!

The good thing is Buddy is very comfortable there and even spent the night with grandma on New Years Eve!

He is not too happy though that we are pulling up carpets, exposing wood floors, however I see this as a good thing as we may get our own bedroom back!, oh yeah I forgot to mention, in my absence Buddy took up residence on my side of the bed and on my return, he refuses to give up that privilege !

At first it was cute, but the novelty is wearing off, two`s company,  threes a crowd as the saying goes, cold dead feet, hanging onto the edge for dear life and the golden silence in the middle of the night broken by genital licking is no longer cute!

Spot the dog?



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