Seperation Anxiety

Since I last logged on I have been in the UK for 2 months (visa rules!) and the seperation anxiety was too much for me to be able to stomach blogging!

I am back in the USA now and have been since 29TH December, being apart from your new family is not nice and skype made it even harder, being able to see your family and not be able to touch them 😦 also buddy`s disinterest in his mum being on a screen and not going crazy and licking it was also a disappointment 🙂


I was anxious of course at leaving them, but everything was in place ready for this day, buddy had a nice new walker, daddy was trained up 😉 and routine was established many weeks before me leaving.

Actually I had nothing to worry about, the boys did wonderfully and some male bonding was very evident.

On my return Buddy went crazy and followed me everywhere, phew he did not forget me, it was a tearful reunion with my fur baby, I would like to say that`s the end of seperations but I will be returning again in March to the UK but I feel this time it wont be so heart wrenching as I can relax knowing all is well.

Ok so he was spoiled for christmas, but who couldn`t, look at that little face!

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